These are the headlines that screamed out of the main pages of the local dailies these past few days:
"Carry out full probe, says PM"
"ACA: Probe on"
"Johari: I welcome probe"
"Cops probe if more are freed"
"The denial. The Probe"
Who are being probed, you ask? The head honcho of the ACA and the Deputy Minister in charge of Internal Security, respectively for corrupt practices and graft allegations.
Well. There are so many probes going on these days that they could be our new national pastime. Apart from the current probes, there are a few other probes that have been going on for a while.
Yup, probes here, there and everywhere. Probes left, right, front, back and centre.
Yes, probe them. Fully. Get to the err, bottom, of the allegations.
And let the whole truth and nothing but the truth surface, smelling like roses ...


just like you, I'm hoping to see more truth be revealed soon.

2:34 PM  

Hi Xis,
Welcome back. Did you enjoy your trip..?

5:13 PM  

che man.. in line with malaysia boleh, lets submit proposal to supply "probe machines".. now we don not guarantee that they will work, but .. in order to determine the functionality of the gadgets, consultants can be hired to study the same..

7:03 PM  

Now, now, let's not excite people unnecessarily. I know a lot people out there who like to probe and being probed. Some live just for this...

11:59 AM  

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