Today a local tabloid carried an article on the lack rubber (spray) hoses in the toilets of a leading shopping complex for people to wash their behinds (and private parts) after they finished doing their business. Wah. Big issue.
The article, taking up half a page, came complete with quotes from alleged patrons, all parroting the writer's sentiments. I wished I had been interviewed as well, for I would have given the writer a piece of my mind.
I mean, hello, rubber hoses? Where has the writer been? How many shopping complexes, hotels, conference centres and other higher-end places boast rubber hoses in their public rest rooms anymore?
Instead, most of these toilets now come with hygienic, clean, state-of-the-art "cleansing" system that doesn't involve hoses. As a Muslim myself, I prefer NOT to use toilets that have hoses, because they're usually wet and filthy. The hoses are never placed properly, most of the time they'd be on the wet floor or in the toilet bowls. And I'm expected to USE them? I won't touch them with a ten-foot pole, thank you very much.
The particular shopping complex the writer was ranting about, its toilets are among the cleanest. Its toilet seats are clean, the floor mopped dry (and I mean dry, NOT damp) every few minutes, the flush works, and the built-in water spray is so easy to use. It's much more convenient than a rubber hose, or any other types of spray. They also almost never run out of tissue paper, and each stall is installed with a sanitiser box.
Tolonglah. We are not talking about some backwater rest-stops, here. It's time that the Press did their part to try bring our riff raff masses into the twenty-first century.
And the rubber hose? Leave it at home. Someone may need it to water the plants, or wash the porch, or both.


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7:46 AM  

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

8:11 AM  

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