Ours is becoming really a classless society. No, not the type advocated by Marx -- we all know what DID NOT happen with communism. I'm talking about a society whose members are ditching all social norms, values and etiquette, about people who have no manners and are just plain rude. People yang takde kelas....
And they could be anyone, anywhere. From the average riff-raff in the streets to elected politicians sitting in parliament. From sports figures on the courts to corporate hotshots in the boardrooms. They are everywhere. And this worries me, and should worry you, too. The moment the government started its budi bahasa budaya kita campaign, we should have had a collective seizure of massive, epileptic proportions.
What's happening? Weren't we supposed to be a people steeped in kesopananan and kesusilaan, so rich with budi bahasa and pekerti mulia? Whether we are Melayu, Cina, India, or Lain-Lain -- we all clung (or at least our parents and their parents, and the parents of their parents, did) to a set of values that shape and define who we are and how we interact with other people.
So kenape sekarang semua orang kurang ajar? People are rude on the road, people rude at the food stalls, people are rude in the office, people are rude, period.
I wonder what parents are teaching their kids nowadays. Not much, I suppose. Especially when the parents themselves are not the best of examples. Most are too busy or too ignorant to care. And they keep breeding. Rabbits after rude rabbits.
And leaders? Oh, come on. "Go to hell" with leaders. They are the ones who need the budi bahasa budaya kita campaign most.
What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.
Anonymous said...
8:11 AM
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
Anonymous said...
8:20 AM