UMNO celebrates its 60th anniversary today. I can image lots of my Malay brethren yippeeing about in Johore Baru. Yup, 100,000 or more people. That's a blessing. I'm not quite up to seeing that circus in KL.
Frankly, I think they should be reflecting more than celebrating. OK. So UMNO has done a lot for the Malay people. What it should be reflecting on now is how to move all the Melayus to the next century. And I'm not just talking physical here, but more on mental shift.
As a bangsa, as a nation, we somehow are moving. Backwards, that is. While others moved on to more important things in this globalised existence, we seem to be dealing more and more with issues that are so remeh-temeh they are laughable, if you're not a tax payer who expect value for my money like me.
People are becoming more narrow-minded, their views more myopic. Elected leaders are showing more and more of their moronic side that makes me wonder how and why they were elected in the first place. Ooops. I forgot. Money politics.
Personally, I would have loved to grow up and live during the days of my parents and their parents, when people were more tolerant, more open-minded, more intelligent, more honest, more real...


This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

7:46 AM  

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

7:49 AM  

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

8:18 AM  

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