More on the slopes issue.
According to the Works Minister (he works, meh? I thought he left everything to God), there are over 100,000 hill slopes in the country, and 1,000 of which are classified as dangerous.
He therefore implores the cooperation of other agencies like municipal councils and local authorities (yup, we all know how helpful, cooperative and efficient they are in handling this issue) to work together with his Ministry/Public Works Department in the management of hill slopes.
If these agencies approve plans for development on hill slopes without referring to the PWD, "even God cannot help us", he says.
Plans must be referred to the department, which could provide input on how the development can be undertaken, he adds.
Interesting, this. The PWD can provide input? Since when, huh? Since zaman Tok Kadok, or since the development of yet-to-be-completed National Slope Master Plan?
I would guess the latter, as we know that God did not "help us" in so many hill slope disasters that have happened in the country, and many of the disasters took place along the NSE, whose construction, I believe, was overseen by the PWD at one point or another.
Who would forget the boulder the size of a two-storey (or was it four-storey) house that landed on the NKVE a few years ago? And the highway's many land/mud slides? Tu lah, kenape tak tanya input from the PWD?
Well, I suppose we can give a bit of credit to the Minister. At least he seems to be doing something to address the issue, although at a snail's pace.
I mean, the Master Plan will only be completed in 2008, and only then he could start proposing amendments to relevant Acts to "ensure" that all developments on hills and slopes comply with the Plan's provisions.
Till then, let's all pray directly to God to save us all. Don't trust the PWD to be our middle man.


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