Like the majority of Malaysians, I totally disagree with the recent findings of a survey published by the Reader's Digest that placed Kuala Lumpur the third rudest city in the world.
Why do I disagree, you ask? Well, I disagree because I have proof that Malaysians are not like that at all. We are all such refined ladies and gentlemen. Kita kaya dengan budi bahasa, kita bangsa bertimbang rasa. We are all very considerate. The following observation proves my point:
  • Malaysians ALWAYS say "Thank you" and "You are welcome" when other people do something nice for them. The most excellent examples are the sales people in our shopping malls. They are SO polite and DO NOT snigger at you even when you do not buy anything at their shops. Same thing goes to our toll booth operators. They smile and thank you ALL the time after collecting your money. And those waiters and waitresses, they are ALL gems, our little ambassadors of politeness and good manners.
  • Malaysian drivers NEVER cut queues, especially during horrendous traffic congestion. Everyone will wait patiently for his/her turn. They NEVER, EVER use emergency lanes to cilok.They ALWAYS give way to other drivers who signal to change lanes. And they ALWAYS use their indicators when they want to turn. Their indicators are NOT for decoration only. They ALWAYS give way to pedestrians at zebra crossings. Slow drivers NEVER hog the fast lanes. Malaysian drivers ALWAYS adhere to speed limit, and they ALWAYS pay their speeding tickets or fines on time.
  • Malaysians ALWAYS open doors, or hold open the doors for other people, especially for ladies and old people, or people with babies or small children, or people with lots of things in their arms/hands. They NEVER let the doors slam into these people's faces.
  • Malaysians NEVER spit in public, in the elevators, or on the road while stuck in traffic jam. They also NEVER pick their noses or ears in the car while stuck in traffic jam.
  • Malaysians ALWAYS dispose of their rubbish properly. They NEVER while driving wind down their car window and chuck out fruit peels, plastic wraps, tissue paper, drink cans, cigarette butts, empty mineral bottles etc. And these things NEVER hit the car or cars behind them. And if they live in high-rises, they will NEVER, EVER throw garbage out of their windows, especially things that could potentially hurt somebody down below.
  • Malaysians also ALWAYS pick up things they drop, especially if these are the things that should go in the trash bin. And when they knock into something in a shop, they will ALWAYS pick that something up and put it back in its proper place.
  • Malaysians ALWAYS smile back and ALWAYS warmly respond to greetings from airline crew when they fly. When people smile or greet them, Malaysians NEVER think that they are being hit upon.
  • Malaysians NEVER rush into elevators. They ALWAYS wait for those passengers already in the elevators to come out first before they enter. And when using escalators, they NEVER stand side by side with their friend(s) on the escalator, but will ALWAYS let other people who are in a hurry to pass.
  • Malaysian taxi drivers are ALWAYS honest. They ALWAYS use their metres and NEVER try to cheat or over charge their passengers, especially if the passengers are foreigners.
  • Malaysians ALWAYS have impeccable table manners. They NEVER overstuff their plates at the buffet line. They NEVER speak with their mouths full. They NEVER spit out chicken bones onto the dining table, and they NEVER drink their soup with a straw. Eh, no, I'm confused. It's Singaporeans who NEVER drink their soup with a straw.
  • Malaysian Muslims ALWAYS think of their Hindu brethrens when they invite them to their parties and NEVER serve beef at the parties, much like the non-Muslims who NEVER serve pork at parties they invite their Muslim friends to.
  • Malaysian traders at China Town or Chow Kit are ALL so very, very polite, they NEVER curse at you or call you horrible names if you don't buy their imitation goods.
  • Malaysians NEVER talk in the cinema during a movie. They ALWAYS switch off their cellphones and NEVER take calls. And if they accidentally do, they ALWAYS stop when fellow cinema-goers ask them to. They also NEVER leave behind garbage -- popcorn tubs, paper cups, etc -- after a movie.
  • Malaysians NEVER bring their domestic help or maids to parties at friends', especially when they know that the parties are meant for, well, friends. And ALL Malaysians who have maids treat their maids very well. They NEVER abuse them, pour hot water on them, and NEVER, EVER hit them with hot iron.
  • Malaysians NEVER bring durians into hotels or into any other buildings, for fear that other guests or their colleagues would suffer migraines or nausea upon smelling the fruit's wonderful and universally loved aroma. They ALWAYS adhere to signs at buildings that prohibit the fruit.
  • Malaysians ALWAYS queue up properly at train stations or bus stops. They NEVER fight for seats and ALWAYS give up the seats to the elderly, pregnant ladies, handicapped OKUs, especially if these seats ARE already meant and marked for these people.

Well, these are some of the proof (and the list does not end here), mainly from personal observation, that I could think of. So, they prove that Malaysians are NOT rude.



Yes, that is the correct notion... "RIGHT!"... hahahaha!

4:41 PM  

i am sooooo agree with you...
malaysians have lost the charm when dealing with everyday's routine....pity....

10:19 AM  

Irwan: What charms?
TGB: What do we do? I've got a few more good years to go. Boleh ke nak endure orang-orang macam ni???

7:06 PM  

haha... face it! our society have lost the respect and sopan santun! what can we do eh? nothing... dah memang jadi adat susah nak di ajar... just hope that we are not going to be like one of them!

12:38 PM  

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