Well, it's now officially splitsville between a certain SMS King and his (ex-) would-be Queen. What a sad end to perhaps the most scrutinised relationship in Malaya's recent history.
And bravo to the mainstream and tabloid reporters who relentlessly sought the couple (or any one of them), chewed them and spat them out like yesterday's entree. I'm sure they're now very happy their mission is accomplished. Shameless vultures!
I feel so sad and sorry for the former lovebirds. They have been used and abused by the vultures to no end. When the SMS King was just crowned, the vultures had the cheek to reprimand, via scathing articles, CD pirates and finger-happy aspiring scribes who "used" and "exploited" the poor, ignorant boy.
Yet, day after day their own newspapers and tabloids ran pages after pages of stories about him, his likes, his dislikes, what he would eat, what he wouldn't eat, how many times he would fart, etc, no matter how silly or nonsensical the stories sounded.
Then, as they began to run out of things to write about the boy, they tracked those close to him. His family members became instant, reluctant celebrities. So did his fiancee. They hunted her down for interviews, photo shoots, comments, what-have-you.
When these too became stale news, they created new ones, linking the boy to other celebrities. Pages after pages of fishy business. All in the name of public interest, I'm sure.
So the poor girl in the kampung naturally got worried. The bastards who called themselves managers of the boy also did not help matters. The two did not communicate for five months due to the boy's busy schedule. So she came to see him, but was stood up a few times.
So, the vultures got a drift of this, too, and pursued and pecked, pursued and pecked, until what was very private became very public. And then the boy, not so bright to begin with, retaliated, after he himself was pursued and pecked. The rest, like they always say, is history.
So, I guess the girl, now labeled gila glamour by the very vultures who had sought her, would be dropped like a sack of potatoes. She's no longer somebody, she's yesterday's news. She's stale toast.
And the vultures? They will continue pursuing other busuk things to peck and pick on. It's what they do.


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