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Saturday, March 24, 2007
On Thursday, Bernama quoted retired senior civil servant Tan Sri Dr Arshad Ayub urging the government to stop excessive wastage in its spending so that the money saved could be spent on more useful and worthy causes.
"Evening feasts and huge celebrations are held and organised everywhere. And I see a lot of wastage and indulgence," the good Tan Sri was quoted.
He reminded the Treasury and implored the government to curb wastage, and suggested that Treasury officials be sent to audit courses so that they'd be aware that wastage really needed to be reduced.
Bravo, Tan Sri.
While we are at it, perhaps we ought to also point out a few other things we consider as wastage and indulgence:
- a multi-million ringgit overseas athletes training complex
- a multi-million ringgit bid to host a youth sports championship
- a multi-million ringgit new leased government jet
- overseas "study" trips for state municipal councils
- newspaper ads placed by government-owned agencies/entities thanking or congratulating their political bossess
- countless pompous parades to celebrate and/or observe almost anything
The list is not exhaustive, so I'd be exhausted if I were to write all. Perhaps my friends would assist?
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Yes..I read the report with great relieve too - someone was brave enough to say it out loud (not that it was never mentioned before but fell on deaf ear and dumb brain - but at least now, someone "been there")
Let me add to the list :
Major wastage at the Higher Learning Institution - (my university for example) An entourage of irrelevant people went along with the "power-that-be" to promote the university's programme abroad..bawak sekepok tukang angkat beg, tukang tulis, tukang ambik gambaq and segala jenis tukang....And using the university's money to pay the tukang's fare and accomodation....
In the end, we still receive the same groups of international students - the Indonesian and the *^&^%@^& Arabs.....And the "tukangs" had a great free holidays......
On research - money is spent so much on the sciences. The government wil give RM1 million for research - without questions. In the end, the products will still be in the labs where it all started....Maybe published in the academic journals for their kenaikan pangkat...What do society get in return ? Zilt. The Arts and Humanities - RM10,000 shared by 4 researchers. Applied for RM20,000 only - not ever quarter to a million. When there's social illness or social issues that requires immediate attention, "terketaq2" cari the "so-called-experts" yang nak buat research pun tak diberi peruntukan sewajarnya sebab "tak penting" macam sciences....To build up human beings is definitely more important than to build up a patent that will just end up in the lab.....
How many scientific and practical inventions from Malaysia have we we heard on the international sphere? Maybe, I have not read apology...have u? heard?
samantha said...
2:30 PM
Tu dia. Panjang lebaqqqqqqqq.....
wetbenang said...
3:56 PM
and don't forget.. come september/oct every year, kelam kabut depa nak belanja apa yang "left-over" - maka order la itu ini. yang ajar dan tak wajar.. selalunya, tak wajar...
.."kalau tak habiskan peruntukan nanti budget kami yang apply utk tahun depan tak lulus sebab yang apply for this year pun tak habis digunakan. nanti nampak pulak kami tak buat budget betul2..."
Crabby - Temasek Born Malaysian said...
4:18 PM