Anyone flipping through local newspapers today and yesterday would have noticed the full-page colour ad ran by "the Government and the People of the State of Selangor Darul Ehsan" thanking with "utmost sincerity" the Prime Minister for his working visit to the State on June 13.
The ad was carried by the English publications on June 13, and the Malay publications today, by what I saw. And today also, a Selangor State-owned company ran another ad thanking the Prime Minister for officially opening its herbatorium.
It looks like the State of Selangor has a lot of money. Those full-page colour ads cost anywhere from RM22,000.00 to RM41,000.00 each, depending on which paper carried it. The Star normally charges RM34,500.00, NST RM22,560.00, Berita Harian RM33,600.00 and Utusan Malaysia RM32,600. So, you do the Maths. (FYI, the most expensive rate is offered by Sin Chew Daily at RM40,800.00, although I don't think the State rented a page).
I remember not so long ago everybody (and by this I meant UMNO politicians) rallied around the move mooted by their higher-ups against this type of wastage, against unnecessary ass-kissing spending. So what happened?
I guess everyone now wants to show support to the PM, in many ways -- guided or otherwise -- following the recent developments between him and his predecessor. To me, the support could be given in so many other ways, some of which do not cost anything. Save the people's money for something more useful and constructive. I wonder how many of "the people of the State of Selangor Darul Ehsan" consented to have their money wasted that way.
While I'm on the subject, I know that a few days prior to the recent NAM meeting, DBKL spruced up a few of the city streets with flowering bunga tahi ayam and bunga balung ayam, and several other species not hardy enough for our sweltering climate. Now, three weeks later, they look so pathetic and I suppose DBKL has already directed its nurseries to replace these plants, again. More money wasted.
Kalau lah ada orang DBKL yang tersesat to this blog, I would like to suggest that you tell your higher-ups or your landscape "con"sultants to start considering hardier species, like pokok ati-ati, or any other hardy plants with those coloured or pigmented leaves. They are not only nice, but can withstand our weather better. They are also low-maintenance.
You might also tell them that whatever they had learned on their study visits to four-season countries might not work in our tropical setting.


OK what, to thank the PM for going to S'ngor for a study visit. I hope during his one-day visit, the PM really studied S'ngor, to see how much Khir Toyo has messed up the state. People are raping virgin forests, polluting pristine beaches and rivers. Developers causing floods everywhere...the list goes on and on.

2:32 PM  

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